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Brighton CCA

A new centre for
contemporary arts at the
University of Brighton

Public Programme

Echo in Time, Ciaran Wood, 2021

This programme of talks, screenings, workshops and podcasts have been curated in response to the Lloyd Corporation’s exhibition.

The exhibition takes as a starting point the history of the barrel as a unit of measurement, symbol of trade and embodiment of trading narratives; the work reflects on the implications of global economic policy for local economic infrastructures. How for example do global systems of production impact on small, marginalised economies and communities, creating underground markets and supply routes? In an economy built on production and consumption of the new, what mechanisms are used for materials and items to circulate outside the distribution chains which produce them? How do those systems impact the lives of those sustained but this exchange economy?

Find out more about each of the events below. All events are free to attend with some online and others in person. For any further information please contact P.Wright@Brighton.ac.uk.

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