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Brighton CCA

A new centre for
contemporary arts at the
University of Brighton

Public Programme

Video still from Inertial Trajectory, Rachael Champion, 2020.

What if artists taught a module to engineers/ what if engineers taught a module to artists?

Join us in-person (limited capacity) or online for the keynotes series during this two day special event that has been designed after a period of activity between Rachael Champion, (Artist), Savinder Bual (Artist), Marco Marengo (Advanced Engineering), Penny Atkins (Advanced Engineering), Simon Harvey (Advanced Engineering), Ben Roberts (Brighton CCA) and Polly Wright (Brighton CCA).

Exploring the question, What if artists taught a module to engineers/ what if engineers taught a module to artists?, we have designed this collaborative event to explore cross-disciplinary teaching methods between arts, engineering and design.

The programme consists of four keynote lectures and three artists/ engineer collaborative workshops across the two days. Find out more about each event below and how you can get involved.

This event is a collaboration between Brighton CCA and Advanced Engineering Centre, University of Brighton and has been generously supported by the Advanced Engineering Centre, University of Brighton.

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