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Brighton CCA

A new centre for
contemporary arts at the
University of Brighton


Working Together 2021 is an exploration of what inclusion, collaboration and public gallery engagement can be when social restrictions are in place. This project is a collaboration between Rocket Artists, MA Inclusive Arts Practice students and Brighton CCA.

How cultural spaces can be accessed is a unique challenge posed by the time in which we are living and one that has a wider relevance to many people, including those who are marginalised. In response, Rocket Artists and MA Inclusive Arts Practice students will explore the Brighton CCA galleries and Nika Neelova’s exhibition Silt. They will investigate and develop creative solutions for engaging with a gallery to which they may not have physical access and an exhibition that may or may not have been installed during the time they are making work about it. Working remotely, they will explore ways to work together and communicate their process and observations to a wider public.

7 members of the Rocket Artists and 12 students will be working with the Brighton CCA team.

We will be meeting weekly on Zoom

We will be sharing and making artwork together

We will be engaging with the exhibition and gallery through the CCA website and online resources and through discussions with gallery staff. If restrictions are lifted some of us will visit the gallery.

This is our project timeline

Rocket Artists have worked with Inclusive Arts students as part of the Working Together module since the MA Inclusive Arts Practice course started in 2008. They have worked with the Museum of Brighton, The Booth Museum, at the University of Brighton and at the Rocket Artist’s studio at the Phoenix Arts Centre to make art together and to co-develop ideas about art and inclusivity.

Find out more about Inclusive Arts Practice MA, PGCert/PGDip here 

Find out more about Rocket Artists here 

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